Giving it a try...
So I’ve decided to try writing a blog, and if I'm honest I'm actually crapping myself about it right now.
I’ve always enjoyed writing, in fact it's kind of been a bit of a secret dream of mine to be a writer since I was a child, but I've always felt that I wasn't very good at it so never did. I have usually only written for myself and not very seriously, just the odd paragraph or a few pages here and there. I highly doubt this will be very serious either, especially as the subject is going to be predominantly focused on my life with my two adorable (in my opinion), yet utterly feral children. Fear not though, this will not be another advice giving blog where I spout how perfect my offspring are from my hand crafted, Pinterest worthy soap box (although admittedly, I actually do love crafting, I'm just far too lazy to put it on Pinterest). In truth, like most mums, I’m winging it and doing the best I can with what I’ve got… which mostly consists of Netflix, bribery, and a varying amount of patience.
What I’m hoping for is that, at best, I can give a few people a chuckle at our antics, or give you some mild comfort that you are not the only one struggling to live under the harsh regime of tiny dictators. At worst, I’ll have an online log of the amusing, amazing and horrendous adventures I have with my children to look back on once they reach their teenage years and no longer want to know me...which given the attitude and sass of my five year old daughter may come far sooner than I have mentally prepared myself for! I am already plotting revenge for the teenage years, but that is for another post.
So here we go I suppose. Welcome to The Misadventures of Pickles and Puds!